Ned Deily added the comment:

(Currently, it is not possible to edit a particular message in an issue.  You 
could add a replacement comment to the issue and ask that the older message be 

This seems to be a problem date. As documented, plistlib converts plist dates 
to/from Python datetime.datetime objects.  And, as is documented from datetime 
objects, the year field must be between 1 (MINYEAR) and 9999 (MAXYEAR).  So, it 
would appear that dates with year 0 are not representable as datetime objects; 
it's not obvious to me how plistlib could handle a date like that without 
changing the API, i.e. returning something other than a datetime object or by 
changing the rules for datetime objects, which is very unlikely to happen.

nosy: +belopolsky, ned.deily, ronaldoussoren

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