Gregory P. Smith added the comment:

A 1) Opting not to capture by default is good.  Let people explicitly request 

A 2) "check" seems like a reasonable parameter name for the "should i raise if 
rc != 0" bool.  I don't have any other good bikeshed name suggestions.

A 3) Calling it args the same way Popen does is consistent.  That the attribute 
on the exceptions is 'cmd' is a bit of an old wart but seems reasonable.  
Neither the name 'args' or 'cmd' is actually good for any use in subprocess as 
it is already an unfortunately multi-typed parameter.  It can either be a 
string or it can be a sequence of strings.  The documentation is not clear 
about what type(s) 'cmd' may be.

A Another) Now that they gain a stderr attribute, having a corresponding stdout 
one would make sense.  Implement it as a property and document it with a 
versionadded 3.5 as usual.


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