Nick Coghlan added the comment:

Clarified the issue heading a bit, and cc'ed in the main Debian/Ubuntu folks.

Matthias, Barry - the attached patch here is aimed at making PEP 476 a bit more 
distro friendly by moving the "opt out" to a configuration file rather than 
requiring monkeypatching in sitecustomize.

For upstream, the key components of the proposal are to have a simple ini-style 
config file that makes it possible to toggle the behaviour of the 
"ssl._create_default_https_context" function:

$ cat cert-verification.conf

=> ssl._create_default_https_context = ssl._create_unverified_context

$ cat cert-verification.conf

=> ssl._create_default_https_context = ssl.create_default_context

If the config file is missing entirely, there's no https section in the file, 
or the "verify" setting is missing, then it would default to verifying HTTPS 

As more protocols were moved over to verifying certificates by default, they 
could follow the same pattern of having a private helper function in the ssl 
module that referred to either _create_unverified_context() or 
create_default_context() based on whether certification verification was 
enabled or not.

It would also be possible to define a true overall ssl/tls default behaviour 
using this scheme, but I think that's out of scope for this particular proposal.

nosy: +barry, doko
title: [RFE] Make certificate verification optionable -> [RFE] Make default 
HTTPS certificate verification setting configurable

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