Ned Deily added the comment:

(This issue is a followup to your Issue24072.)  Again, while the ElementTree 
documentation is certainly not nearly as complete as it should be, I don't 
think this is a documentation error per se.  The key issue is: with which 
element is each text string associated?  Perhaps this example will help:

>>> root4 = ET.fromstring('<a>ATEXT<b>BTEXT</b>BTAIL</a>')
>>> root4
<Element 'a' at 0x10224c228>
>>> root4.text
>>> root4.tail
>>> root4[0]
<Element 'b' at 0x1022ab278>
>>> root4[0].text
>>> root4[0].tail

As in your original example, any text following the element b is associated 
with b's tail attribute until a new tag is found, pushing or popping the tree 
stack.  While the description of the "text" attribute does not explicitly state 
this, the "tail" attribute description immediately following it does.  This is 
also explained in more detail in the ElementTree resources on that 
are linked to from the Python Standard Library documentation.  Nevertheless, it 
probably would be helpful to expand the documentation on this point if someone 
is willing to put together a documentation patch for review.

With regard to your comment about "well formed xml", I don't think there is 
anything in the documentation that implies (or should imply) that the 
distinction between the "text" attribute and the "tail" attribute has anything 
to do with whether it is well-formed XML.  The tutorial for the third-party 
lxml package, which provides another implementation of ElementTree, goes into 
more detail about why, in general, both "text" and "tail" are necessary.

assignee:  -> docs@python
components: +Documentation -XML
nosy: +docs@python, ned.deily
stage:  -> needs patch
versions: +Python 2.7, Python 3.5

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