Steve Dower added the comment:

All environment variables are promoted to MSBuild properties, so if you "set 
IncludeSSL=false" before building then it will show up (which is exactly how 
the proposed patch is getting CFLAGS in).

Unfortunately, batch file argument parsing is pretty horrid. I'd be happy to 
move to PowerShell based scripts, but that'll be asking a lot of some people, 
and probably isn't feasible for the existing buildbots.

Another concern about using CFLAGS is people ending up with broken builds 
because they had something else set in there - mostly because it's near 
impossible to diagnose remotely.

If we call it PY_CFLAGS< move it to pyproject.props, and require 
"$(BuildForRelease) != 'true'", then I'm fine with it. (The last condition 
ensures that official release builds via Tools\msi\buildrelease.bat will never 
be affected, and gives a fairly strong indication not to rely on implicit 
settings like this. Defaults that we need for actual releases should be 
integrated properly.)


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