Ioan Fintescu added the comment:

There seems to be a CSV specification, namely IETF RFC 4180, and, as far as
I can tell, it indicates you are correct, and I am wrong.  Especially
points 5., 6., and 7 on page 3.  Here is a quote from 5 (RFC 4180, page 2

If fields are not enclosed with double quotes, then double quotes may not
> appear inside the fields.

It gets more specific in 6., and 7.

So the csv module is doing the right thing.  An error message may help,


On Mon, Dec 14, 2015 at 9:05 AM, R. David Murray <>

> R. David Murray added the comment:
> Well, since there's no real standard for csv, it might have been.  Since
> it is iherently ambiguous according to "normal" csv rules, though, I'd say
> that if that is the case the originating spreadsheet is the one with the
> bug.  If you can prove there is a spreadsheet that uses this format,
> perhaps an enhancement request for csv would be in order.  I don't *think*
> there's any way to parse that with the existing dialect support, though I
> could be wrong.
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