Torsten Landschoff added the comment:

I just bumped into this issue because I was shown by a colleague that my 
implementation of immutable objects (by replacing __dict__ with an 
ImmutableDict that inherits from dict and blocks write accesses) is ineffective 
- ouch!

I'd expect that Python either rejects subclasses of dict for obj.__dict__ or 
actually implements accessing correctly. Especially since the enum module 
created the impression for me that replacing __dict__ is a viable approach 
( uses __prepare__ in the meta class to provide a different dict class 
for enum types, just found

Interestingly the PEP 3115 example code notes the following:

# Note that we replace the classdict with a regular
# dict before passing it to the superclass, so that we
# don't continue to record member names after the class
# has been created.

nosy: +torsten

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