Patrick J McNerthney added the comment:

I believe this is actually a bug, because it causes the posting of messages 
whose length is greater then the Apache HTTPD SSLRenegBufferSize setting to 
fail, whereas other http clients that first wait to receive the 100 response 
before sending the body do work.

The situation I am encountering is an Apache server that uses client 
certificates to authorize calls to it's rest apis, whereas the rest of the same 
site do not require it. See the documentation about the SSLRegenBufferSize 

By sending just the headers first with the "Expect: 100-continue" header and 
then waiting for the "100" response, Apache only has to buffer the headers. But 
the way HTTPConnection currently works, the headers and the body will be sent 
immediately, causing the SSLRenegBuffer to be exceed, causing the request to 

Also, I do not think the submitted patch is the best fix for this. The 
HTTPConnection.putheader method should be the place that checks to see if there 
is an Expect header sent.

nosy: +IcicleSpider

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