Terry J. Reedy added the comment:

I requested that we stop (mis)using 'free variable' in the docs years ago.  A 
strong +1 from me.

The 'locals' function what named when 'local' and 'non-global' were synonyms.  
When non-local, non-global names were added, nonlocals were included with 
'locals' as 'non-global'.  (This must have been thought to be more useful than 
adding nonlocals() or excluding them.)

They are, of course, local in some surrounding non-global context.  And for 
most purposes, their entries in locals() should also be treated as read-only.  
I think the doc should say that function locals() includes the locals of 
surrounding function contexts, even though they are called 'nonlocal' within 
the nested function.

nosy: +terry.reedy

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