Josh Rosenberg added the comment:

The motivation for this change was Mr. STINNER's comment on #26814 ( ), where he mentioned the 
weirdness of PyObject_CallFunction and friends, which complicates the 
implementation of PyObject_FastCall and alerted me to a second case ( #21209 ) 
in which this silent fix up has caused confusing issues in CPython (I filed 
#26478 so I recognized the issue).

If this fix could be made, it might be possible to eventually make the check 
for non-tuple arguments a debug build only check (or a check only on public 
APIs), allowing the implementation in release mode and/or internal APIs to 
avoid the work involved in constantly checking for and performing this 
workaround to fix doc violating code, and possible simplify PyObject_FastCall 
by removing the corner case.


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