Donald Stufft added the comment:

> The block= parameter confuses the matter greatly, which is why I oppose it.

I don't like the block= parameter.

> I assert that people are calling os.urandom() because they expect it to 
> behave like /dev/urandom on their machine.

I don't think most people calling os.urandom have any idea how /dev/urandom 
behaves on their machine nor do I think most people have any idea how 
/dev/urandom behaves on other people's machines. In fact, in the original 
thread there were long time developers stating factually wrong information 
about the properties of os.urandom. That's not a mark against them, the 
behavior of random is an esoteric and nuanced thing and there is a lot of 
misinformation out there about the properties and behavior of it on various 

> If you read the documentation for os.urandom(), it specifically does *not* 
> guarantee the result is suitable for cryptography.

Sure, but the cases where os.urandom doesn't provide results suitable for 
cryptography are:

* Systems where you have a random number generator that is completely broken, 
in which case there's basically no help for you and you're screwed 10 times 
over before you even execute Python.
* Linux, in the window prior to the pool being initialized.

That statement is an obvious hedge against the first case, not an allowance for 
the second case in situations where we don't have to continue to use a worse 
interface for the same underlying functionality.

If chdir on Linux would, in 0.01% of cases, cause a segfault, but 99.9% of 
cases work as you'd expect and a new, chdir2 function was added that still 
changed the directory, but did so in 100% of cases, would you be opposed to 
changing os.chdir to use chdir2, even though it's no longer a thin wrapper 
around chdir or would you demand that all developers switch to os.chdir2? 
Especially if this behavior only really occurred on Linux.


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