Danilo J. S. Bellini added the comment:

Wouldn't a fix for all standard collections be a fix for Python 3.5+, therefore 
another issue? http://bugs.python.org/issue23870

This issue is about sets/frozensets Python 3.2+, and I'm pretty sure it's 
backwards compatible, as I don't think any code running on Python 3.2.6 would 
depend on pprint randomness (how could?). Also, a multiline pprint would sort 
(tested with Python 3.2.6):

>>> pprint.pprint(set(string.digits), width=7)

I see no reason to see a fix to this inconsistent behavior (sorting on 
multiline, not sorting on single line) as an enhancement just for a new Python 
3.6 version. Besides being backwards compatible, the test_pprint was really 
verifying the order on set(range(n)) for small n, something that is already 
sorted by set.__repr__ but appears in test_pprint, which make me think it was 
intended as a pretty printer test, not as a set.__repr__ test.


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