Adam Bartoš added the comment:

> Unfortunately, it looks like detecting when a readline hook has been added is 
> going to involve significant changes to the tokenizer, which I really don't 
> want to do.

We don't need to detect the presence of readline hook, it may be so that there 
is always a readline hook. Whenever we have interactive stdio, and so 
PyOS_Readline is called, the new proposed API PyIO_Readline would be called 
instead. This would return Unicode str Py_Object*, so the result can be 
directly returned by input() and should be somehow encoded afterwards by the 
tokenizer (these are the only consumers of PyOS_Readline). 

We may even leave the tokenizer alone and redefine PyOS_Readline as a wrapper 
of PyIO_Readline, having full control of the encoding process there. So it 
would be enough to set up the tokenizer with UTF-8 encoding despite the fact 
that sys.std*.encoding would be UTF-16.

(I hope that if the tokenizer was desiged nowdays, it would operate on strings 
rather than bytes so there won't be any encoding problems at all.)

Also, third parties would benefit from sys.readlinehook – at least 
win_unicode_console and pyreadline would just set the attribute rather than 
messing with ctypes.


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