Xiang Zhang added the comment:

Thanks Petr. I'd appreciate it if you are willing to review the patch.

Upload a patch to fix this, along with tests and doc updating.

But here is something different. In PEP489, it is explicitly stated that 
"Py_mod_create slot is not responsible for setting import-related attributes 
specified in PEP 451 (such as __name__ or __loader__ ) on the new module". So 
when an object(even ModuleType instances) is returned, it's __name__ attribute 
is not set and we can't rely on it (which means we can't even use 
PyModule_GetNameObject). I then use the name attribute of the spec. Looking 
forward to feedback.

keywords: +patch
Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file44136/issue27782.patch

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