Josh Rosenberg added the comment:

Looks like the problem here is that pickling self._consume implicitly pickles 
self, and after the first submission, self._futures contains Future objects. 
Those are probably what have the RLock in them (to synchronize between reading 
and populating threads), and it's correct not to pickle them; they're only 
meaningful in the parent process, and sending them to the workers would break, 

Given you don't seem to be using self for anything, you could either make 
_consume a staticmethod (if you need state from self, pass that specific state 
in as arguments) so it's not implicitly pickling and transmitting self, or 
failing that, define custom pickling functions that explicitly exclude 
self._futures from the set of attributes to pickle.

There is nothing to fix behaviorally on Python's side that wouldn't lead to 
confusion/breakage in other code. It would be nice if Python could give more 
detail on pickle chain that led to the unpicklable object (so you know it's 
self._consume->self->self._futures->some future object->future._rlock or 
whatever), but I'm not sure the pickling protocol design can preserve that sort 
of chain for error reporting...

nosy: +josh.r

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