Raymond Hettinger added the comment:

The problem with posting an idea here on the tracker while it is still in the 
research phase is that it will be prematurely downvoted without have fully 
thought it through.

What I'm working on now is that opposite question.  Was it ever worthwhile to 
add this optimization in the first place?   In particular, does it strongly 
preference a single case over normal cases to no real benefit?

Suppose we found a line code in the calendar module that tested for one special 
case. Is it March 3, 1978, and if so used a precomputed result, but for all 
other dates would compute normally.  The right thing to do would be to remove 
that code, but then one commenter would say, "it makes that one case many times 
slower" when in fact it brings that case into line with the other normal cases. 
 And another respondent would say "removing the almost never used special case 
provides too small of an improvement to the rest of the cases".  The group 
would then arrive at the collective incorrect conclusion that yes it is a great 
idea to keep a special case for March 3, 1978.

The test bench I'm working on now is examining whether a repeated add/discard 
of the same element in an otherwise mostly full table is like the calendar 
module scenario described above.  In particular, I want to know whether 
applying the patch makes the new performance for that case about the same as 
other typical cases of add/discard.

Here are some thoughts using timings.  How you time, what you time, and where 
you time it matter a great deal when evaluating whether to keep code that is 
deep in the set insertion logic.  In a complex function that is already having 
register spills, different compilers may have very different results (i.e. 
eliminating the freeslot lookup may allow another important variable to use a 
register rather than spilling and reloading on every iteration).  We can also 
expect different results on 32-bit vs 64-bit builds (the former having many 
fewer registers to work with) and on ARM vs x86 (with the latter having greater 
instruction level parallelism that lets you get away with having blocks of 
useless code running in parallel with the important code).   

The test dataset matters as well. If set insertion timings are dominated by 
hashing or equality tests, then all improvements to the probing logic with look 
insignificant.  Likewise, if the dataset has few hash collisions, then the 
affected code doesn't get run at all, leading to the false conclusion that 
simplifying the code doesn't have any benefit.

For a timing that properly isolates and exercises the affected code, we should 
expect some measurable (and likely non-trivial) benefit.  The GCC-6 x86_64 
disassembly gives us reason to expect a favorable result because the new inner 
loop has a third fewer instructions, two fewer compare/jumps, and half the 
number of memory accesses (because the freeslot is being reloaded from the 
stack on every iteration).

Also, there hasn't been any exploration of the potential indirect benefits in 
cases that I expect to be far more common.  In those cases where we're going to 
have to resize anyway, is it better to do work to have partial early 
reclamation of dummies and defer resizing, or is it better to avoid the work 
for early reclamation so we can resize sooner and eliminate all of the dummies. 
 I don't know the answer to this question yet, but it is far more important and 
usual than a contrived case of repeatedly adding and discarding the exact same 
element but never hitting a resize.

On the other hand, perhaps the early dummy reclamation is worth it.  I don't 
know the answer yet and was hoping that you all would help me find out.   
Downvoting of the basis of two quick and dirty timings on a single machine, 
single compiler, and single dataset isn't helpful.

I've already put a lot of time in looking at these issues and still don't know 
the right thing to do.  So, if other commenters have only put a few minutes 
into thinking about about it and have already drawn a conclusion, then their 
conclusions are suspect.

IMO, there are still open research questions:  Is early freeslot reclamation 
worth it or does it have a net negative benefit in all but the most exotic and 
unlikely cases?  Without the existing optimization, would the exotic case 
perform about the same as other cases, or is the exotic case catastrophically 
worse than the others so that it warrants special handing even to the detriment 
of the other cases?

priority: normal -> low

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