Davin Potts added the comment:

Expanding my above example to show how multiprocessing relates:
>>> import multiprocessing
>>> import os
>>> class Floof(object):
...     def __new__(cls):
...         print("New via pid=%d" % os.getpid())
...         return object.__new__(cls)
>>> os.getpid()                               # parent pid
>>> pool = multiprocessing.Pool(1)
>>> getter = pool.apply_async(Floof, (), {})  # output seen from child AND 
>>> parent
>>> New via pid=46583
New via pid=46560

>>> getter.get()                              # everything seems to be working 
>>> as intended
<__main__.Floof object at 0x10866f250>

FWIW, near the end of my prior message:  s/it didn't merely/it merely/


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