Antoine Pitrou added the comment:

Ok, after a bit of diagnosing, the issue is combining multi-threading with use 
of fork().  The problem is file objects (such as sys.stdout) have locks but 
those locks may be taken at the exact point where fork() happens, in which case 
the child will block when trying to take the lock again.

This is mostly a duplicate of issue 6721, but perhaps multiprocessing could at 
least improve things for sys.stdout and sys.stderr (though I'm not sure how).

This is also compounded by the fact that Process._bootstrap() flushed the 
standard streams at the end.

nosy: +davin, pitrou
title: Possible deadlock after many multiprocessing.Process are launch -> 
Possible deadlock on sys.stdout/stderr when combining multiprocessing with 
versions: +Python 3.6, Python 3.7

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