Cheryl Sabella added the comment:

Looks good under Ubuntu.  The height of the window is longer, so everything is 
a bit stretched out.  That helps on the Keys tab, but not so much on Highlights 
or Extensions.  It's not awful, but there's unneeded (for now?) empty space.

One thing that's different is that there is an initial focus selected on each 
tab when switching tabs, but then focus is lost when moving back to another 

Example: When the config dialog is opened, focus is on the fonts, like it was 
after Louie's change.  However, when I first click 'Keys', there is a box 
around 'Use a Built-in Key Set', even if it isn't selected. So, that's new 
(there was no focus before).  When I then click back to 'Fonts', the fontlist 
doesn't have focus anymore.  Before this change, fontlist still had focus after 
switching to another tab and then going back to fonts.  Might be why the test 
isn't working.

All the tests pass, but I get the error if I uncomment the helplist tests:
FAIL: test_source_selected (idlelib.idle_test.test_configdialog.GeneralTest)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/cheryl/cpython/Lib/idlelib/idle_test/", line 
315, in test_source_selected
    self.assertEqual(helplist.get('anchor'), 'source')
AssertionError: '' != 'source'
+ source


nosy: +csabella

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