Christian Ullrich added the comment:

Not quite. Looking a bit further down get_progname()'s weird logic, we see that 
it works like this:

1. prog = Py_GetProgramName()
2. progpath = GetModuleFileNameW()
3. if (prog is empty):
       prog = "python"
4. if (slash in prog):      # Or backslash, of course
       progpath = prog

So it uses the host process name from step 2 (i.e. progpath) whenever 
Py_SetProgramName() has not been used and step 3 has set prog to a value not 
containing a directory separator (or if it *has* been used to set something 
with no such separator in it).

The logic makes sense, I think, but it is quite impenetrable. Any chance of PEP 
432 ("Restructuring the CPython startup sequence") happening this century?


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