Vedran Čačić added the comment:

Raymond, with respect, I think you're either wrong here, or misleading with a 

There is a big difference between any(()) returning False, all(()) returning 
True, '' in '' returning True, math.factorial(0) returning 1,  and set() <= 
set() returning True, on one hand, and ''.rindex('') returning 5, on the other. 
You might argue the latter is convenient (though I haven't seen any argument in 
favor of that), but it's simply not in the same category as other phenomena 
you're equating it with.

Those in the first group are mathematical definitions. They cannot be different 
without breaking various mathematical properties. 0! is 1 in the same way, and 
with the same reason, that 3! is 6. If 0! were 5, then 3! would _have_ to be 
30. Both the specification (as the order of the symmetry group), and various 
algorithms for calculating factorial, simply give 1 when given 0 as an input. 
You can't really get 5 unless you explicitly treat 0 as a special case.

In the second group, there is an answer that might be convenient, and it 
probably has some obvious algorithm that produces it (I haven't read the code, 
but I doubt that someone treated '' as a special case there), but it doesn't 
fit the specification (maximal index doesn't exist), and you can easily write 
another algorithm that doesn't obviously treat '' as a special case, gives the 
same answers for all the other "sensible" cases, and gives something completely 
different for this case. The proof is that in many very similar cases, those 
different algorithms _have_ (inadvertently) been written.

One question is _whether_ '' is in some other string. Quite another is _where_ 
it is. First one is (greatly simplified, since it doesn't require 
contiguousness) all(c in other_string for c in ''), and that's obviously True 
for the same reason that set() <= any_set is True. But all(1/0 for c in '') is 
_also_ True, which shows that it really doesn't matter _what_ we test, as long 
as we test it on an empty collection. It shouldn't give us (by design) _any_ 
information that we can extract about "that particular occurence of ''" because 
there is in fact _no_ particular occurence to talk about.

In the face of ambiguity, refuse the temptation to guess. Yes, I see the 
convenience of not rasing ValueErrors for various string operations so some 
algorithms can say "ok, give me any value in case of '', I don't really care 
what it is", but we already do raise it for some operations - e.g. when 
splitting on an empty separator. We should do the same here. Either change the 
specification, or if the specification tells you to calculate something that 
doesn't exist, raise an exception.

nosy: +veky

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