Terry J. Reedy <tjre...@udel.edu> added the comment:

Victor, what is your opinion of running 'from test import autotest' in a 
standard python shell window, opened from an icon, as opposed to IDLE's shell?

>  many tests fail just because of IDLE.

We cannot know what to blame on IDLE without a proper control experiment.  I 
updated my Win10 repository, rebuilt python 3.7, ran the tests from the command 
line, and all passed (thank you for making this routine).  I ran autotest in a 
Python console and saw a new resource warning from one of the async tests and 3 
failures.  I cannot say what they were because when the test finished, the 
window closed (crashed), which is a metafailure.  I will rerun and try to 
identify the error as they occur.

Should we reopen this issue or open a new issue, to fix problems not due to 
IDLE, or remove the entire suggestion to use autotest, and remove autotest 

nosy: +terry.reedy

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