Nick Coghlan <> added the comment:

If a proposed standard library API is sufficiently stable that the folks 
proposing it are reluctant to emit a runtime warning about any remaining 
stability risks, then I think it's reasonable to expect them to propose it as 
non-provisional and accept the related backwards compatibility obligations.

We have past examples of our being able to cope with that approach, such as 
when contextlib.nested turned out to be broken at a design level, so we 
deprecated it, removed it, and replaced it with a combination of 
contextlib.ExitStack and native support for multiple context managers in with 

Framing that in different terms: with PEP 411 as currently written, the 
benefits of instability accrue to the API publisher and willing early adopters, 
while the costs appear as negative externalities affecting folks that would 
prefer not to care about the API at all until it is covered by the regular 
backwards compatibility guarantees.

This RFE proposes to internalise some of those costs (in the form of a required 
runtime warning for any future provisional APIs), such that API publishers ask 
themselves "Do I *really* need this whole API to be provisional? Can I 
restructure it so only selected clearly identifiable parts are provisional or 
private, and the rest are covered by regular stability guarantees?" and early 
adopters ask themselves "Do I really want to make this a *required* dependency? 
Perhaps I can make it optional somehow, so folks that aren't using these 
features won't get the warning?"


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