Koos Zevenhoven <k7ho...@gmail.com> added the comment:

For the interactive user who uses an interactive environment such as the repl 
or a Jupyter notebook, the situation is a little different from "CPython as 
programming language runtime".

The docs say a KeyboardInterrupt is "Raised when the user hits the interrupt 
key (normally Control-C or Delete). During execution, a check for interrupts is 
made regularly.". I suppose there's some ambiguity in what "regularly" means 
there ;). 

But regardless of whether anyone bothers to read that part of the docs, Ctrl-C 
or an interrupt button not working can feel like a correctness issue for 
someone that's using an interactive Python environment *as an application* in 
daily work. Python gives you the impression that you can always interrupt 
anything if it turns out to take too much time. And I remember that being one 
of the points that made me move away from matlab, which at that time had 
problems with interrupting computations.


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