New submission from 7stud <>:

I tried to install python3.6.4 on OSX 10.13.2.  I followed the Build 
Instructions in the README.rst:

    make test
    sudo make install

After ./configure step, the end of the output said:

If you want a release build with all stable optimizations active (PGO, etc),
please run ./configure --enable-optimizations

So I did:

~/Downloads/Python-3.6.4$ ./configure --enable-optimizations

Next, I did:

~/Downloads/Python-3.6.4$ make

But the make step always hangs on the line:
      0:00:18 load avg: 2.10 [ 23/406] test_asyncgen
      0:00:19 load avg: 2.10 [ 24/406] test_asynchat
      0:00:21 load avg: 2.01 [ 25/406] test_asyncio

During the make step, OSX prompts me whether to allow incoming connections.  
I've tried it both ways: Deny and Allow, but the install allows hangs on the 
test_asyncio line.  I hit Ctrl+C to quit the install.  One time, I waited over 
an hour and the install was still hanging.

components: asyncio
messages: 310858
nosy: 7stud, asvetlov, yselivanov
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: python3.6.4 install hangs
type: compile error
versions: Python 3.6

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