New submission from Arun Solomon <>:


I am facing the problem python along with valgrind. I was getting default 
valgrind warnings messages. I have created the file does 
not have any code. I created empty py file to confirm that my code does not 
have any memory leaks. 

Following is the valgrind command that I am using in command line:
valgrind --leak-check=full --show-reachable=yes --error-limit=no 
--gen-suppressions=all --log-file=msm_suppress.log -v 

I was getting plenty of valgrind warnings.

I surfed in the google and I got to know that i need to configure python by 
disabling pymalloc. As said by technical peoples, If pymalloc was disabled, we 
would not got any memory related errors. But i was getting the memory related 
error. Following is my command that i used to disable pymalloc:

./configure --without-pymalloc --with-pydebug

Then I ran above said valgrind command. I was getting 1299 valgrind warnings. 
If i enable pymalloc, I was getting only 108 valgrind warnings.

Following is my software versions:
Cent os: 7.3
Python: 2.7.5
Valgrind: 3.12.0

PS: If i configure and build python, i was getting an Import Error: No module 
named netifaces. I am using netifaces in my project. If i use system inbuilt 
python, i am not getting netifaces import error.

Can anyone please advice me to resolve this issue.

components: Build
messages: 312193
nosy: Arun Solomon, vstinner
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Valgrind error with python
type: compile error
versions: Python 2.7
Added file:

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