Terry J. Reedy <tjre...@udel.edu> added the comment:

Ari, I know that you viewed this as a behavior (bugfix) issue from the start 
(message 1).  I changed to enhancement (feature request) in message 2 because, 
as you acknowledged in message 3, it is an edge case.  The problem is 
classification can be fuzzy, while the action of merge or not is binary.  I 
prefer enhancement as the initial classification for edge cases because (except 
for 2.7-only issues) we first need to decide whether a change belongs in master 
branch before deciding to backport.  Edge cases sometimes make for messy 

If this is viewed as a bugfix, it can (but not 'must') be backported, first to 
3.7, second to 3.6, and only third to 2.7.  2.7 is *mainly* but not exclusively 
still being maintained for security and build issues, with bugfixes at the 
discretion and judgment of the merge committer.  I personally would only 
backport to 3.7.0, maybe but likely not to 3.6.6, and definitely not to 2.7, as 
I would see it as not helping 2.7 users and likely not 3.6 users.  

If this is viewed as an enhancement, then it should at least have, as Serhiy 
noted, a version-changed notice in the doc.

Since Fred merged this without such a notice, but did not backport, he 
effectively treated this as a master-branch only bugfix.  We sometime do this, 
such as with some exception messages.  It would be fine with me to close it as 

Or we could backport this to 3.7.0rc1 (but not 3.7.1) and call this a 
x.y.0-only bugfix.  Either way, I see the reason as being the same as for not 
backporting exception message changes to maintenance releases: the bugfix is 
not worth introducing dependence on a particular maintenance release.


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