Raymond Hettinger <raymond.hettin...@gmail.com> added the comment:

>> Could this have been done with:  
>> setattr(self.__class__, "do_" + command, func)?

> Isn't that worse than doing that on an instance? It will work 
> as long as there's only one.

Why not have multiple classes instead of multiple instances?  Then use class 
composition to combine the components.

FWIW, I just looked through the Cmd2 project (which depends on and extends the 
Cmd class): https://cmd2.readthedocs.io/en/latest/index.html .  AFAICT, there 
is no precedent for the approach taken by your project.  This seems to be at 
odds with the design of module which is class based rather than instance based.

The existing class based design allows class composition which supports needs 
for separately maintained components.  It also allows regular methods to be 
dynamically attached to the class or any of its parents after the class is 
created.   Being regular methods, they would have access to the "self" instance 
parameter so that the application can be stateful (note that attaching 
functions to instances loses this advantage).  In Cmd2, the instance is 
considered the application and only one can be run at a time (it's not really 
about having multiple distinct instances that vary dynamically and 
independently of one another).

I've exhausted my triage efforts on this.  It doesn't seem be bug; rather, it 
is a feature request to take the module in a different direction that seems to 
be in conflict with its core concept and normal use (and in conflict with 
Python norms about where to attach methods).  

If you would like to push forward, consider eliciting opinions and analysis 
from Catherine Devlin and Todd Leonhardt (the maintainers of Cmd2).  If they 
think it is a good idea to have multiple instances with dynamically attached 
functions, then this feature request can go forward.


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