Eric Snow <> added the comment:

I've changed the issue title to reflect where things stand.

Hmm, doing so reminded me of an important consideration here.  A module object 
is effectively a fairly light wrapper around a dict.  When you call 
importlib.reload() the loader from the module's spec is used to re-execute the 
module's existing dict. [1][2]  A new module is not created and the existing 
module namespace is not reset.  So during reload the module is responsible for 
deleting anything in its namespace that wouldn't get replaced when re-executed 
(including attributes that were added to the namespace externally).  For most 
modules this isn't an issue.  However, it's something to consider when 
reloading a module.  See the docs for more explanation and caveats. [3]


title: Embedding Python; Py_Initialize / Py_Finalize cycles -> Trouble when 
reloading extension modules.

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