Brett Cannon <> added the comment:

Please don't use over-the-top language like "completely unjustifiable" because 
it is unnecessary and in this case wrong. We treat our documentation as a 
recording of the semantics of the stdlib as well as a recording of what 
semantic changes occurred between versions. Something did change semantically 
and so it should be documented. Whether the way the docs have previously been 
written would have suggested that someone accidentally used keyword arguments 
is not the critical point. Anyone could have looked at e.g. help() or simply 
stumbled upon the fact keyword arguments used to work and then suddenly 
discovered they didn't. At that point it's more helpful to the user to know 
when that changed occurred then to try and minimize the amount of text in the  
docs simply because they happened to have not been written to suggest keyword 
arguments worked when they, in fact, did.

IOW adding a "version changed" note is not bloat, it's about letting people 
know who happened to have used keyword arguments what version of Python is 
going to break their code.


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