Terry J. Reedy <tjre...@udel.edu> added the comment:

Tal, if you think this is ready, I would like to get this in the upcoming 
releases.  I believe the deadline is midnight at the international dateline, 
which is noon UTC tomorrow, just over 9 hours from now. 

I decided that any suggestions I might have for the non-user-visible aspects of 
squeezer.py and test_squeezer.py can wait for later.  The best review of 
user-visible aspects will come from using it.

A second use of squeezer should be debugger's global and non-global('local') 
namespace displays.  The intended format is one name-value pair per line.  But 
values can be indefinitely large.  For this, we could skip the context menu 
(there is not one now), use a fixed trigger of n characters, and have 
double-click display to a popup Squeezer View.

I will come back to this in a couple of hours to see if you have responded.  I 
would write and merge a separate expanded news entry for idlelib/NEWS.txt.


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