New submission from xitop <>:

This issue report is based on a SO question "How to create asyncio stream 
reader/writer for stdin/stdout?", its answer and comments. Link:

The key point is that two unidirectional pipes should be used the same way as 
one bidirectional network socket. The answer (more precisely the Linux/Unix 
part of it) and some following comments - both created by highly competent SO 
members - suggest that FlowControlMixin is a useful class required to write a 
proper code for this and similar usecases.

That's why the FlowControlMixin or an equivalent should be made available to 
asyncio programmers as a documented part of the library.

components: asyncio
messages: 327764
nosy: asvetlov, xitop, yselivanov
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: asyncio.streams.FlowControlMixin should be part of the API
versions: Python 3.7

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