Paul Moore <> added the comment:

> > Steve, assuming that I can access the Store, should I be able to install 
> > both PSF 3.7.2 and Windows Store 3.7.2 simultaneously?  So I could test 
> > both IDLEs that beginners might install?
> Yes, absolutely. (To be clear, both are PSF approved and under the PSF 
> name/copyright/etc., so I've been calling them "traditional" and "Store" 
> installers when I talk about them.)

I'd like to expand on this question a little. The first thing I'll
note is that I'm not aware of any documentation on the Windows Store
installer, and how it works. It's possible there's a docs patch in
here somewhere, but to be honest, there are 8 PRs linked to this issue
and I don't have the time to check them all right now.

How will the Windows Store install work alongside the PSF one? Will it
work the same, in that neither will go on PATH unless the user
explicitly requests it? If I have PSF Python 3.7.1 and Store Python
3.7.2 simultaneously installed, which will py.exe -3.7 select? Can I
influence it to choose the other one? Same question for 3rd party
tools like "virtualenv -p 3.7" - I know it's not up to us to deal with
virtualenv issues, but conversely I do think we have a responsibility
to not change assumptions that 3rd party tools rely on. In terms of
PEP 514, will the Store installer use a different tag, or some other
way of having registry entries independent of the PSF installer?

Basically, I'm not clear on how having the Store install and the PSF
install simultaneously present will work - very few tools in my
experience really support PEP 514 (not even the `py` launcher) - and
frankly, if we're going to break tool assumptions that there's only
one official "3.7" present at any time, we're on very shaky ground
claiming that PEP 514 warned them if we haven't even updated our own
supplied tool! (I know that there's lots of ways people can have
multiple versions right now - PSF plus Anaconda, for example - but
it's fine to say "you're mixing distributions, you're on your own" in
that case. If the PSF is publishing two versions of 3.7, which can be
simultaneously installed, we can't really use that argument.



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