Ned Deily <> added the comment:

This change has an impact on downstream packagers and users of Python 3.8 
because the SOABI flag values are also used to construct a number of file names 
and directories names in an Unix or macOS framework install besides the 
extension module (*.so) file names.  Suggest comparing the directory/file names 
installed to an alternate prefix (./configure --prefix=/tmp/3x ; make install) 
in 3.7 versus master with this PR.  Also suggest reading PEP 3149, which 
introduced the ABI-specific file names, and the various issues in the bug 
tracker that reference it.  At the very least, these changes need to be 
documented in the What's New for 3.8.  But the impact of the change should 
probably also be discussed with at least some of the large distributors.  (The 
change already inadvertently broke the macOS installer build - fixing.)

nosy: +ned.deily
priority: normal -> deferred blocker
resolution: fixed -> 
stage: resolved -> needs patch
status: closed -> open

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