Toshio Kuratomi <> added the comment:

I'm still debugging this but it may be an off-by-one error in ncurses, 
wresize.c.  I've found that if I modify the following section in ncurses, our 
problem goes away:

       * Dispose of unwanted memory.
      if (!(win->_flags & _SUBWIN)) { 
          if (ToCols == size_x) { 
              for (row = ToLines + 1; row <= size_y; row++) { 
          } else { 
              for (row = 0; row <= size_y; row++) { 
      win->_line = new_lines;

              for (row = ToLines + 1; row <= size_y; row++) { 
              for (row = ToLines + 2; row <= size_y; row++) { 

fixes this error.  ToLines is a parameter passed in to wresize.  wresize will 
reuse ToLines number of rows from the old structure in the new structure.  Due 
to that, I think that the chances are good that it is ncurses which is at fault 
here.  I will try to rewrite the test case into a C program and then submit a 
bug report to ncurses upstream.  I'm not sure that there's a way we can work 
around this until that's fixed.

nosy: +a.badger

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