Tim Peters <t...@python.org> added the comment:

I'm going to repeat part of an earlier comment :-)

Please resist pointless feature creep.  The original report was about comb(n, 
k) for integer n and k with 0 <= k <= n and that's all.  Everyone who commented 
appeared to agree they'd find that useful.

Why can't we take universal agreement for an initial answer? ;-)

Looking at what other packages do doesn't really interest me, unless they 
differ on the cases everyone agreed would be useful - they have different 
audiences than Python has.  Guess what Wolfram returns for

(-4) choose (-5)

Go ahead.  That's right:  -4.  Sheesh - I don't care who their audience is, 
_any_ code calling `choose` with those arguments would be far better served if 
the function complained.


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