Davin Potts <pyt...@discontinuity.net> added the comment:

Short responses to questions/comments from @bjs, followed by hopefully helpful 
further comments:

> Are you supposed to ever use a raw SharedMemory buffer directly?


> What atomicity guarantees are there for ShareableList operations and 
> read/write to the SharedMemory buffer?


> I've had a fix spinning for about a day now, it introduced a 
> `multiprocessing.Lock` and it was simply wrapped around any struct packing 
> and unpacking calls.

That sounds like a nice general-purpose fix for situations where it is 
impossible to plan ahead to know when one or more processes will need to modify 
the ShareableList/SharedMemory.buf.  When it is possible to design code to 
ensure, because of the execution flow through the code, no two 
processes/threads will attempt to modify and access/modify the same location in 
memory at the same time, locks become unnecessary.  Locks are great tools but 
they generally result in slower executing code.

> What are the use cases for SharedMemory and ShareableList?

Speed.  If we don't care about speed, we can use distributed shared memory 
through the SyncManager -- this keeps one copy of a dict/list/whatever in the 
process memory space of a single process and all other processes may modify or 
access it through two-sided communication with that "owner" process.  If we do 
care about speed, we use SharedMemory and ShareableList and other things 
created on top of SharedMemory -- this effectively gives us fast, communal 
memory access where we avoid the cost of communication except for when we truly 
need to synchronize (where multiprocessing.Lock can help).

Reduced memory footprint.  If I have a "very large" amount of data consuming a 
significant percentage of the available memory on my system, I can make it 
available to multiple processes without duplication.  This provides processes 
with fast access to that data, as fast as if each were accessing data in its 
own process memory space.  It is one thing to imagine using this in 
parallel-executing code, but this can be just as useful in the Python 
interactive shell.  One such scenario:  after starting a time-consuming, 
non-parallel calculation in one Python shell, it is possible to open a new 
Python shell in another window and attach to the data through shared memory to 
continue work while the calculation runs in the first window.


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