Ned Deily <> added the comment:

Thanks for identifying this issue and breaking it out into a separate bpo, 
Jason.  If I understand correctly, the problematic fix for Issue30458 has 
already been released in maintenance release 3.7.4 and security release 3.6.9, 
is in the current security release candidate 3.5.8rc1, as well as 3.8.0b4, and, 
without further action, will be in 2.7.17rc1 and continue to be in 3.7.5rc1.  
In other words, this issue potentially affects all currently maintained Python 
branches and/or releases.  (In addition, there appear to be still unresolved 
questions about the original Issue30458 and the CVE's associated with it.  But 
let's ignore those here. My brain hurts enough already.)

The immediate question for me is what to do about 3.7.5.  We could:
1. hold 3.7.5rc1 for a mitigation fix
2. release 3.7.5rc1 and accept a fix for 3.7.5final or for an unplanned 3.7.5rc2
3. fix in 3.7.6
4. do nothing other than possibly a doc change

Since 3.5.8rc1 is already released for testing, a similar decision needs to be 
made for it.

And 3.8.0rc1 and 2.7.17rc1 are schedulded for tagging om the coming weeks.

Since the problem. as best I understand, is most likely to impact tests rather 
than legitimate user cases (is that correct?) and, since at least some projects 
and users of 3.7.4 impacted by the change have developed workarounds, and since 
3.7.5rc1 is being delayed pending a resolution of this, I think the best 
options for 3.7.5 at this point are either 2 or 3 above.  So, unless someone 
expresses a major objection in the next few hours, I am going to proceed with 
3.7.5rc1 as is with the hope that we will have final resolution prior to 3.7.5 

Decisions will still have to be made by the other RMs for their branches.

nosy: +benjamin.peterson, larry, lukasz.langa, ned.deily
priority: normal -> release blocker
versions: +Python 2.7, Python 3.5, Python 3.6, Python 3.7, Python 3.8, Python 

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