Pablo Galindo Salgado <> added the comment:

I fail to reproduce this last example:

~/github/python/master master*
❯ mkdir tmp    

~/github/python/master master*
❯ cd tmp                 

~/github/python/master/tmp master*
❯ touch 1.txt            

~/github/python/master/tmp master*
❯ ln -s subdir/file 2.txt   

~/github/python/master/tmp master*
❯ touch 3.txt

~/github/python/master/tmp master*
❯ python3.8 -c "import pathlib; print(list(pathlib.Path('.').glob('*')))" 

[PosixPath('1.txt'), PosixPath('3.txt'), PosixPath('2.txt')]

~/github/python/master/tmp master*
❯ mkdir subdir

~/github/python/master/tmp master*
❯ python3.8 -c "import pathlib; print(list(pathlib.Path('.').glob('*')))"  
[PosixPath('1.txt'), PosixPath('subdir'), PosixPath('3.txt'), 

~/github/python/master/tmp master*
❯ chmod 000 subdir

~/github/python/master/tmp master*
❯ python3.8 -c "import pathlib; print(list(pathlib.Path('.').glob('*')))"
[PosixPath('1.txt'), PosixPath('subdir'), PosixPath('3.txt')]

keywords: +3.7regression, 3.8regression
versions: +Python 3.7, Python 3.9

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