STINNER Victor <> added the comment:

In the _json module, PyModule_GetState() (called by get_json_state()) is only 
used by the garbage collector (traverse function) and to unload the module 
(clear and free functions). It's not used in "hot code" (let me consider that 
the GC is not part of the usual "hot code" :-)).

But maybe we should measure the overhead of future changes if 
PyModule_GetState() starts to be used in "hot code" by running a few 


Stefan Krah:
> Yes, and not only startup time:

Aha, that's interesting. I didn't know that it could have an impact on runtime 
performance as well.

_decimal_pep3121-384_v1.patch attached to bpo-15722 seems to use:

#define _decimal_state_global ((_decimal_state 

whereas the commit 33f15a16d40cb8010a8c758952cbf88d7912ee2d only uses:

static inline _jsonmodulestate*
get_json_state(PyObject *module)
    void *state = PyModule_GetState(module);
    assert(state != NULL);
    return (_jsonmodulestate *)state;

Maybe PyState_FindModule() adds a little overhead, even if this function is 
simple: in short, it gets the i-th item of a list (from 

PyModule_GetState() function is really simple: it only reads 
PyModuleObject.md_state attribute.

Or maybe _decimal_state_global was used in "hot code".

If PyState_FindModule() or PyModule_GetState() is the source of the overhead, 
maybe we could try to optimise these functions, or pass directly the module 
state to inner functions.


PyState_FindModule() doesn't work for a module using PyModuleDef_Init(). The 
PEP 573 is going to give access to the module state in functions which didn't 
access to it previsouly.

The commit 33f15a16d40cb8010a8c758952cbf88d7912ee2d removed a few assertions 
checking that "self" has the expected type. It wasn't possible to get the 
module state to get the types, because PEP 573 is not implemented yet and 
PyState_FindModule() doesn't work in _json (which uses PyModuleDef_Init()). I 
decided that it's ok to remove these assertions: it should not be possible to 
call these functions with another type in practice.


In his PR 19177, Dong-hee started by replacing direct access to PyTypeObject 
fields, like replacing:



    freefunc free_func = PyType_GetSlot(tp, Py_tp_free);

I asked him to revert these changes.

I'm interested to experiment a few C extension modules of the stdlib using the 
limited C API (PEP 384, stable ABI), but I don't think that it should done 
while converting modules to PyType_FromSpec().

We should separate the two changes. And I would prefer to first see the 
overhead of PyType_FromSpec(), and discuss the advantages and drawbacks.


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