Terry J. Reedy <tjre...@udel.edu> added the comment:

I think we can agree that making the dialogs and in particular the settings 
dialog more visually inviting is a good thing. However, two problems are 
priority and differing aesthetic opinions.  Some thoughts off the top of my 

I consider revising tab contents a higher priority.  One thing is redoing the 
Highlights (Colors) and Keys pages using Mark's ideas from 5 years ago. At the 
time, Configdialog was a giant class with 70 methods and no tests.  3 years 
ago, Cheryl and I (with a bit of help from Louie Lu), split the class into a 
dialog class and classes for each tab, and added unit tests with, now, 94% 

Also, the dialog is now too tall to fit in the space Apple allows to apps on my 
small Macbook Air notebook.  (See General comment below.)

As for the tabs themselves.  If left, 'Tabs' should be 'Indent', but the 
setting should be moved to General, which needs to be split into two pages (and 
classes) and tabs as there are other things to add.

I think 'Highlights' should be 'Colors', as 'syntax coloring' only loosely fits 
'important parts' or 'lightened parts'.  Comments are colored separately so 
that they can be ignored.  Ditto, sometimes, for strings.

As for the icons, I don't think that the examples add much info.  Hence they 
seem like noise to me.  I think that the plug, possibly on an extension cord, 
fits best *because* it is so concordant with the text label.

If we do use images, I might consider emoji that get rendered on most systems.  
Tk *will* display b/w astral emoji just fine in a read-only context.  Example: 
"\U0001f40d = 🐍"  This might be appropriate icon for one of the splits of 
General.  (Or we can create images that combine images and text.)

We could also consider creative typography.  'Fonts' in bold italic and varying 
size letters might better suggest 'font choice'.  Ditto for 'Colors' in 
multiple colors.  Boxing the 'K' of "Keys" in a key image or maybe even 
[K][E][Y]s might be interesting.

Now that we are using ttk widgets for dialogs, I have thought about somehow 
using Python yellow and blue in an IDLE dialog style.  But something else is 
always a higher priority.

nosy: +cheryl.sabella

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