New submission from Chetan Palliwal <>:

In [1]: po=[11,22,33,44,11,55,66,11,88]

In [2]: for lm in po:
   ...:     if lm==11:
   ...:         print("value is = {} and index is = {}".format(lm,po.index(lm)))
   ...:     else:
   ...:         print("value is = {} and index is = {}".format(lm,po.index(lm)))
value is = 11 and index is = 0
value is = 22 and index is = 1
value is = 33 and index is = 2
value is = 44 and index is = 3
value is = 11 and index is = 0
value is = 55 and index is = 5
value is = 66 and index is = 6
value is = 11 and index is = 0
value is = 88 and index is = 8

components: Library (Lib)
messages: 378546
nosy: chetanpalliwal13
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: index function return first index for same element if repetitive in a 
type: behavior
versions: Python 3.6

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