Eryk Sun <> added the comment:

I built JPype normally in release mode and was able to analyze the problem 
using the platform debugger (cdb or WinDbg). I think the issue is pretty 
straight forward. The static initializer for classMagic in 
"native\python\pyjp_class.cpp" is calling PyDict_New(). That's not kosher 
because the GIL isn't held during the LoadLibraryExW call. It seems to be okay 
without a cached PYC because the new_dict() call has an available dict on the 
freelist in this case. In the PYC case, new_dict() happens to instead call 
PyObject_GC_New, which fails with an access violation. I modified 
"pyjp_class.cpp" to set the static value of classMagic to NULL and moved the 
initialization to PyJPClass_new. This resolved the problem. So I think this 
issue should be closed as a third-party bug.


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