Tim Peters <t...@python.org> added the comment:

Any principled change costs more than it's worth :-(

I'm mostly sympathetic with Guido's view, and have long advocated a new `imath` 
module to hold the ever-growing number of functions that are really part of 
integer combinatorics.  But it's become nearly impossible to add a new module 
anymore:  python-ideas can't maintain any focus, python-dev has become an 
eternal circular debating society, and "put it on pyPI first to see whether 
it's adopted" has become a go-to bait-&-switch scam (e.g., witness Grant 
Jenks's `sortedcontainers` module, which is absolutely first rate, and widely 
used, but "why add it to the core? it's already on pyPI" has shut down any 
suggestion to fold it in - although I don't know that Grant would _want_ to 
fold it in).

OTOH, I don't agree `math` should be limited solely to floats.  It would be, 
e.g., pointlessly annoying for things like `pow(x, 4)` or `atan(1)` to blow up 
just because an argument is an int instead of a float.  I have no problem with 
limiting `math` functions to the simple scalar types that also work in C libm 
calls (where ints aren't a problem because the compiler inserts coercions to 
double). As a slight extension then, I have no problem either with log(1 << 
1000000) working, because Python doesn't have C's distinctions between integer 
sizes.  So, overall, "floats or ints, but generally just the functions C's 
<math.h> defines".  Which is pretty much how `math` started.

But I don't see a realistic way to get there from here. Even though I'm retired 
now, I don't _want_ to spend 16 hours arguing every day for months - that's a 
major percentage of my remaining expected life ;-)

For other approaches, people doing serious work already solve it the obvious 
way. For example, the spiffy arbitrary-precision `mpmath` binary float module 
supplies its own versions of libm functions, that work on the numeric types it 
defines. It's not a real problem in real life that they don't also work on 
Fraction or Decimal. In fact, I'm glad they don't! It would usually be "an 
error" in my code if I tried to pass a Decimal to an mpmath function, because 
I'm using mpmath to begin with precisely because I _intend_ to work 
specifically and only with mpmath's numeric types for the duration.

So we can keep this report open forever waiting for a miracle, or yield to 
reality and close it as "sorry - won't fix" now ;-)

nosy: +tim.peters

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