Ronald Oussoren <> added the comment:

Sorry about the slow response.

I misread your initial message, the distinction between (1) and (2) in your 
list is clear.

to (3): New fields can be added while maintaining API (but not ABI) 
compatibility as long as the default value is the default value for static 
initialisers (assuming the usual way we initialise structs in CPython). That 
is, adding a new field to PyTypeObject is ok, as long as it at the end and 
defaults to NULL or 0.

Especially with category 1 it is not entirely clear which structs are in that 
category. Is PyLongObject in this category?  The struct is not documented, but 
has a name that seems to indicate that it is public.   Likewise for 
PyTupleObject, where the shape of the struct is used by documented APIs but the 
shape of the strut itself is not documented.

BTW. For my own code I do directly access structs where necessary, even if they 
aren't documented. I totally expect that this will require adjustments for new 
Python releases (such as when the unicode representation changed).


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