C.A.M. Gerlach <cam.gerl...@gerlach.cam> added the comment:

In addition to transient failures, this can also occur when, for example, files 
opened in the temporary directory (perhaps by library or application code not 
under direct control of the caller) haven't been properly cleaned up and their 
file handles don't get closed, resulting in permissions errors trying to delete 
them (particularly on platforms like Windows, that automatically lock files 
when opening them).

This case came up in e.g. [this recent 
PR](https://github.com/regebro/pyroma/pull/57) and rendered 
`tempfile.TemporaryDirectory` unusable for such use cases, forcing a reversion 
to the lower-level `tempfile.mkdtemp` without the cleaner, more robust and 
easier to interpret high-level interface that the former provides. Wrapping a 
`with` statement in a try-finally is syntactically ugly and semantically 
incongruous, and requires a second shutil.rmtree(..., ignore_errors=True)` call 
to clean up in a best-effort manner, while when manually calling `cleanup()` in 
a try-except, the finalizer still gets executed at a a non-deterministic later 
time when Python exits, raising an error.

Therefore, in the spirit of Guido's statements above in terms of providing a 
"best-effort" cleanup, I propose (and am willing to submit a PR to implement) 
adding an `ignore_errors` bool parameter (defaulting to False, of course, for 
backward compat--and should it be keyword only like `errors` to 
`TemporaryFile`?) to the `tempfile.TemporaryDirectory` constructor, which gets  
passed to `shutil.rmtree` on cleanup. This would not only address both cases 
here, but also one of the two discussed by Anthony Sotitle on 
[BPO-25024](https://bugs.python.org/issue25024), in a cleaner and simpler 
fashion that would take advantage of existing `tempfile.TemporaryDirectory` 
functionality and behavior.

Would a PR be accepted on this? If so, any specific guidance on tests and 
whether to mention it in What's New, etc., would be appreciated. Thanks!

nosy: +CAM-Gerlach

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