Mark Dickinson <> added the comment:

> We could make this problem go away by making NaN a singleton.

That could work, though we'd annoy anyone who cared about preserving NaN 
payloads and signs in Python. I don't know if such people exist. Currently the 
sign is accessible through things like math.copysign, and the payload through 
struct manipulations (though on most platforms we still don't see the full 
range of NaNs: signalling NaNs are quietly silenced on my machine).

We'd also want to do some performance checks: the obvious way to do this would 
be to have an "is_nan" check in PyFloat_FromDouble. I'd *guess* that a typical 
CPU would do a reasonable job of branch prediction on that check so that it had 
minimal impact in normal use, but only timings will tell for sure.


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