Thomas <> added the comment:

Ahh, I always forget about blame.

Though the form was different, the initial commit of `importlib` (authored by 
Brett, so the nosy list seems fine for the moment) behaved the same way, and 
had an additional comment noting that the section in question was included to 
maintain backwards compatibility. I checked with Python 2.x and can confirm 
that this was how Python 2.x behaved as well (so I assume that's what the 
comment was for.)

I've tested simply commenting out that section (as, at a glance, I don't 
believe it will have any effect on explicit imports), and for the few scripts I 
tested with the backtraces were actually pretty clear: a lot of places in the 
standard library are accidentally relying on this quirk. collections doesn't 
import abc, importlib doesn't import machinery, concurrent doesn't import 
futures, etc, etc.

The easy, temporary fix would be to just add the necessary imports, then worry 
about `importlib`'s innards when the time comes to cross that bridge. That 
said, I know of only a few of the modules which will need imports added (the 
ones above, essentially), so I can't really say what the full scale of the work 
will be.


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