Paul Ganssle <> added the comment:

> I don't think full nanosecond support is feasible to complete in the 
> remaining weeks

This may be so, but I think the important part of that question is "what work 
needs to be done and what questions need to be answered?" If the answer is that 
we need to make 3 decisions and do the C implementation, that seems feasible to 
do in under a month. If the answer is that we've got 10 contentious UI issues 
and we probably want to go through the PEP process, I agree with your 
assessment of the timing. Regardless, we'll need to know what work needs to be 
done before we do it...

> but we can try to add nanoseconds to timedelta only.  The mixed datetime + 
> timedelta ops will still truncate, but many time-related  operations will be 
> enabled. I would even argue that when nanoseconds precision is required, it 
> is more often intervals no longer than a few days and rarely a specific point 
> in time.

To be honest, I don't find this very compelling and I think it will only 
confuse people. I think most people use `timedelta` to represent something you 
add or subtract to a `datetime`. Having the `nanoseconds` part of it truncate 
seems like it would be frustrating and counter-intuitive. 

>From the use cases in this thread: 
 - ns-precision timestamps:
 - ns-precision timestamps:
 - Your suggestion that `datetime` should be able to support what `timespec` 
 - ns-precision timestamps:

So I don't think there's high enough demand for nanosecond-timedelta on its own 
that we need to rush it out there before datetime gets it.


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