Kaleb Barrett <dev.ktbarr...@gmail.com> added the comment:

And so it is... There is also a PR open with a solution from 2017. 
https://github.com/python/cpython/pull/4378/files. Can this get reviewed?

The rationalizations against solving this bug stated in the original issue are 
weak, range.index *is* useful. I use range objects to describe alternate 
indexing schemes for an array type (to model HDL datatypes that allow arbitrary 
indexing schemes). range.index is used to translate user supplied indexes into 
0-based indexes to index into a parallel list with the array values.

Additionally, this causes issues with mypy. If you subclass Sequence, mypy will 
complain if you don't have the optional start and stop arguments in the index 
method. I would need to feed them into a range object in my implementation. I 
guess in my case I'm expected to just reject them? This breaks substitutability 
in my class.

It also breaks substitutability with list, tuples, every built-in Sequence type 
as well.


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